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Florigen sequestration in cellular membranes modulates temperature-responsive flowering

Plants respond to temperature changes by modulating florigen activity to optimize the timing of flowering. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana mobile florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) interacts with the negatively charged phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) at cellular membranes and binds the lipid bilayer. Perturbing PG biosynthesis in phloem companion cells leads to temperature-insensitive early flowering. Low temperatures facilitate FT sequestration in the cellular membrane of the companion cell, thus reducing soluble FT levels and delaying flowering. A mutant in PHOSPHATIDYLGLYCEROLPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 1 accumulates more soluble FT at lower temperatures and exhibits reduced temperature sensitivity. Thus, cellular membranes sequester FT through their ability to bind the phospholipid PG, and this sequestration modulates the plant’s response to temperature changes.(Science)

Fine-root traits in the global spectrum of plant form and function

Plant traits determine how individual plants cope with heterogeneous environments. Despite large variability in individual traits, trait coordination and trade-offs1,2 result in some trait combinations being much more widespread than others, as revealed in the global spectrum of plant form and function (GSPFF3) and the root economics space (RES4) for aboveground and fine-root traits, respectively. Here we combine the traits that define both functional spaces. Our analysis confirms the major trends of the GSPFF and shows that the RES captures additional information. The four dimensions needed to explain the non-redundant information in the dataset can be summarized in an aboveground and a fine-root plane, corresponding to the GSPFF and the RES, respectively. Both planes display high levels of species aggregation, but the differentiation among growth forms, families and biomes is lower on the fine-root plane, which does not include any size-related trait, than on the aboveground plane. As a result, many species with similar fine-root syndromes display contrasting aboveground traits. This highlights the importance of including belowground organs to the GSPFF when exploring the interplay between different natural selection pressures and whole-plant trait integration.(Nature)

Genome design of hybrid potato

Reinventing potato from a clonally propagated tetraploid into a seed-propagated diploid, hybrid potato, is an important innovation in agriculture. Due to deleterious mutations, it has remained a challenge to develop highly homozygous inbred lines, a prerequisite to breed hybrid potato. Here, we employed genome design to develop a generation of pure and fertile potato lines and thereby the uniform, vigorous F1s. The metrics we applied in genome design included the percentage of genome homozygosity and the number of deleterious mutations in the starting material, the number of segregation distortions in the S1 population, the haplotype information to infer the break of tight linkage between beneficial and deleterious alleles, and the genome complementarity of the parental lines. This study transforms potato breeding from a slow, non-accumulative mode into a fast-iterative one, thereby potentiating a broad spectrum of benefits to farmers and consumers.(Cell)

Florigen sequestration in cellular membranes modulates temperature-responsive flowering

Plants respond to temperature changes by modulating florigen activity to optimize the timing of flowering. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana mobile florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) interacts with the negatively charged phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) at cellular membranes and binds the lipid bilayer. Perturbing PG biosynthesis in phloem companion cells leads to temperature-insensitive early flowering. Low temperatures facilitate FT sequestration in the cellular membrane of the companion cell, thus reducing soluble FT levels and delaying flowering. A mutant in PHOSPHATIDYLGLYCEROLPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 1 accumulates more soluble FT at lower temperatures and exhibits reduced temperature sensitivity. Thus, cellular membranes sequester FT through their ability to bind the phospholipid PG, and this sequestration modulates the plant’s response to temperature changes.(Science )

Independent parental contributions initiate zygote polarization in Arabidopsis thaliana

Cell polarization and asymmetric division of the zygote initiate axis formation of the embryo in the model plant Arabidopsis. Wang et al. show in this context that a maternal receptor complex and a paternally provided constitutively active signaling protein independently contribute to MAP kinase signaling controlling zygote polarization.(Current Biology)

The identification of grain size genes by RapMap reveals directional selection during rice domestication

Cloning quantitative trait locus (QTL) is time consuming and laborious, which hinders the understanding of natural variation and genetic diversity. Here, we introduce RapMap, a method for rapid multi-QTL mapping by employing F2 gradient populations (F2GPs) constructed by minor-phenotypic-difference accessions. The co-segregation standard of the single-locus genetic models ensures simultaneous integration of a three-in-one framework in RapMap i.e. detecting a real QTL, confirming its effect, and obtaining its near-isogenic linelike line (NIL-LL). We demonstrate the feasibility of RapMap by cloning eight rice grain-size genes using 15 F2GPs in three years. These genes explain a total of 75% of grain shape variation. Allele frequency analysis of these genes using a large germplasm collection reveals directional selection of the slender and long grains in indica rice domestication. In addition, major grain-size genes have been strongly selected during rice domestication. We think application of RapMap in crops will accelerate gene discovery and genomic breeding.(Nature communication)

Crystal structure of a monomeric retroviral protease solved by protein folding game players

Following the failure of a wide range of attempts to solve the crystal structure of M-PMV retroviral protease by molecular replacement, we challenged players of the protein folding game Foldit to produce accurate models of the protein. Remarkably, Foldit players were able to generate models of sufficient quality for successful molecular replacement and subsequent structure determination. The refined structure provides new insights for the design of antiretroviral drugs.(Nature structural & molecular biology)

Gene duplication drove the loss of awn in sorghum

Loss of the awn in some cereals, including sorghum, is a key transition during cereal domestication or improvement that has facilitated grain harvest and storage. The genetic basis of awn loss in sorghum during domestication or improvement remains unknown. Here, we identified the awn1 gene encoding a transcription factor with the ALOG domain that is responsible for awn loss during sorghum domestication or improvement. awn1 arose from a gene duplication on chromosome 10 that translocated to chromosome 3, recruiting a new promoter from the neighboring intergenic region filled with ‘‘noncoding DNA’’ and recreating the first exon and intron. awn1 acquired high expression after duplication and represses the elongation of awns in domesticated sorghum. Comparative mapping revealed high collinearity at the awn1 paralog locus on chromosome 10 across cereals, and awn growth and development were successfully reactivated on the rice spikelet by inactivating the rice awn1 ortholog. RNA-seq and DAP-seq revealed that as a transcriptional repressor, AWN1 bound directly to a motif in the regulatory regions of three MADS genes related to flower development and two genes, DL and LKS2, involved in awn development. AWN1 downregulates the expression of these genes, thereby repressing awn elongation. The preexistence of regulatory elements in the neighboring intergenic region of awn1 before domestication implicates that noncoding DNA may serve as a treasure trove for evolution during sorghum adaptation to a changing world. Taken together, our results suggest that gene duplication can rapidly drive the evolution of gene regulatory networks in plants. (Molecular Plant)

Mammalian circular RNAs result largely from splicing errors

Ubiquitous in eukaryotes, circular RNAs (circRNAs) comprise a large class of mostly non-coding RNAs pro-duced by back-splicing. Although some circRNAs have demonstrated biochemical activities, whether most circRNAs are functional is unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that circRNA production primarily results from splicing error and so is deleterious instead of beneficial. In support of the error hypothesis, our analysis of RNA sequencing data from 11 shared tissues of humans, macaques, and mice finds that (1) back-splicingis much rarer than linear-splicing, (2) the rate of back-splicing diminishes with the splicing amount, (3) theoverall prevalence of back-splicing in a species declines with its effective population size, and (4) circRNAsare overall evolutionarily unconserved. We estimate that more than 97% of the observed circRNA productionis deleterious. We identify a small number of functional circRNA candidates, and the genome-wide trendstrongly suggests that circRNAs are largely non-functional products of splicing errors. (Cell reports)

CRISPR/Cas9 technology for improving agronomic traits and future prospective in agriculture

In this review, we have focused on the CRISPR/Cas9 technology for improving the agronomic traits in plants through point mutations, knockout, and single base editing, and we highlighted the recent progress in plant metabolic engineering. CRISPR/Cas9 technology has immense power to reproduce plants with desired characters and revolutionizing the field of genome engineering by erasing the barriers in targeted genome editing. Agriculture fields are using this advance genome editing tool to get the desired traits in the crops plants such as increase yield, improve product quality attributes, and enhance resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses by identifying and editing genes of interest. This review focuses on CRISPR/Cas-based gene knockout for trait improvement and single base editing to boost yield, quality, stress tolerance, and disease resistance traits in crops. Use of CRISPR/Cas9 system to facilitate crop domestication and hybrid breeding are also touched. We summarize recent developments and up-gradation of delivery mechanism (nanotechnology and virus particle-based delivery system) and progress in multiplex gene editing. We also shed lights in advances and challenges of engineering the important metabolic pathways that contain a variety of dietary metabolites and phytochemicals. In addition, we endorsed substantial technical hurdles and possible ways to overcome the unpredictability of CRISPR/Cas technology for broader application across various crop species. We speculated that by making a strong interconnection among all genomic fields will give a gigantic bunt of knowledge to develop crop expressing desired traits.(Planta)

Cell-free chemoenzymatic starch synthesis from carbon dioxide

Starches, a storage form of carbohydrates, are a major source of calories in the human diet and a primary feedstock for bioindustry. We report a chemical-biochemical hybrid pathway for starch synthesis from carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen in a cell-free system. The artificial starch anabolic pathway (ASAP), consisting of 11 core reactions, was drafted by computational pathway design, established through modular assembly and substitution, and optimized by protein engineering of three bottleneck-associated enzymes. In a chemoenzymatic system with spatial and temporal segregation, ASAP, driven by hydrogen, converts CO2 to starch at a rate of 22 nanomoles of CO2 per minute per milligram of total catalyst, an ~8.5-fold higher rate than starch synthesis in maize. This approach opens the way toward future chemo-biohybrid starch synthesis from CO2. (Science)

Research on the Impact of Online Promotions on Consumers’ Impulsive Online Shopping Intentions

Online shopping has developed rapidly, but recently, the sales of some online stores have suffered due to the decrease in people’s income caused by the epidemic. How to grasp the psychology and behavior of consumers and formulate effective marketing strategies is important for increasing sales. This paper puts forward a research model and eight hypotheses based on the research on the promotion situation and the types of products promoted on consumers’ impulse shopping, and uses regression analysis, t-test, stepwise regression and analysis of variance to conduct data analysis. The results show that online promotion has a significant impact on consumers’ willingness, and the anticipated regrets in different directions have totally different effect on willingness; the type of product promoted, and the impulsive characteristics of consumers play a moderating role; online promotion affects consumers’ impulsive online shopping intentions through the intermediary effect of expected regret. The influence of anticipated regrets on impulsive online shopping intention is proposed creatively, and the results also provide e-commerce merchants and customers with new insights in managing and treating online promotions. Managerial implications like controlling the duration of promotions and the number of preferential goods are put forward based on our analysis.(Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research)

Spatial distribution of proteins and metabolites in developing wheat grain and their differential regulatory response during the grain filling process

Grain filling and proper grain development are essential biological processes in the plant’s life cycle, eventually contributing to the final seed yield and quality in all cereal crops. How the different wheat grain components contribute to the overall development of the seed is very scarcely found in the literature. We performed a proteomics and metabolomics analysis in four different developing components of the wheat grain (seed coat, embryo, endosperm and cavity fluid) to characterize molecular processes during early and late grain development. In-gel shotgun proteomics analysis in 12, 15, 20 and 25 days after anthesis (DAA) revealed 15,484 identified and quantified proteins out of which 410 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified in the seed coat, 815 in embryo, 372 in endosperm and 492 in cavity fluid. The abundance of selected protein candidates revealed spatially and temporally resolved protein functions associated with development and grain filling. Multiple wheat protein isoforms involved in starch synthesis such as sucrose synthases, starch phosphorylase, granule bound and soluble starch synthase, pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK), 14-3-3 proteins as well as sugar precursors undergo a major tissue-dependent change in abundance during wheat grain development suggesting an intimate interplay of starch biosynthesis control. Different isoforms of the protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) family as well as glutamine levels both involved in glutenin macropolymer (GMP) pattern showed distinct spatially and temporally abundance revealing their specific role as indicators of wheat gluten quality. Proteins binned into the functional category of cell growth /division and protein synthesis/degradation were more abundant in the early stages (12 and 15 DAA). At the metabolome level all tissues and especially the cavity fluid showed highly distinct metabolite profiles. The tissue specific data are integrated with biochemical networks to explore a comprehensive map of molecular processes during grain filling and developmental processes.(The Plant Journal)

Integrated global analysis reveals a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network, downstream of COLD1, underlying rice chilling tolerance divergence

Rice, a staple food with tropical/subtropical origination, is susceptible to cold stress, one of the major constraints on its yield and distribution. Asian cultivated rice consists of two subspecies with diverged chilling tolerance to adapt to different environments. The mechanism underlying this divergence remains obscure with a few known factors, including membrane protein CHILLING-TOLERANCE DIVERGENCE 1 (COLD1). Here, we reveal a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network responsible for chilling tolerance divergence through global analyses. Rice genome regions responsible for tolerance divergence are identified with chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs). Comparative transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of chilling-tolerant CSSL4-1 and parent lines uncovered a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network in chloroplast with tocopherol (vitamin E) mediating chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling. COLD1, located in the substitution segment in CSSL4-1, is confirmed as its upstream regulator by transgenic material analysis. Our work uncovers a pathway downstream of COLD1, through which rice modulates chilling tolerance for thermal adaptation, with potential utility in crop improvement.(Cell Reports)

RNAi-mediated suppression of the abscisic acid catabolism gene OsABA8ox1 increases abscisic acid content and tolerance to saline–alkaline stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Saline–alkaline (SA) stress is characterized by high salinity and high alkalinity (high pH), which severely inhibit plant growth and cause huge losses in crop yields worldwide. Here we show that a moderate elevation of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels by RNAi-mediated suppression of OsABA8ox1 (OsABA8ox1-kd), a key ABA catabolic gene, significantly increased tolerance to SA stress in rice plants. We produced OsABA8ox1-kd lines in two different japonica cultivars, Dongdao 4 and Nipponbare. Compared with non-transgenic control plants (WT), the OsABA8ox1-kd seedlings accumulated 25.9%–55.7% higher levels of endogenous ABA and exhibited reduced plasmalemma injury, ROS accumulation and Na+/K+ ratio, and higher survival rates, under hydroponic alkaline conditions simulated by 10, 15, and 20 mmol L−1 of Na2CO3. In pot trials using SA field soils of different alkali levels (pH 7.59, 8.86, and 9.29), OsABA8ox1–kd plants showed markedly higher seedling survival rates and more vigorous plant growth, resulting in significantly higher yield components including panicle number (85.7%–128.6%), spikelets per panicle (36.9%–61.9%), branches (153.9%–236.7%), 1000–kernel weight (20.0%–28.6%), and percentage of filled spikelets (96.6%–1340.8%) at harvest time. Under severe SA soil conditions (pH = 9.29, EC = 834.4 μS cm−1), OsABA8ox1-kd lines showed an 194.5%–1090.8% increase in grain yield per plant relative to WT plants. These results suggest that suppression of OsABA8ox1 to increase endogenous ABA levels provides a new molecular approach for improving rice yield in SA paddies. (The Crop Journal )

A SNP-based genetic dissection of versatile traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Continuous increase in global population prompts increased wheat production. Future wheat breeding will heavily rely on dissecting molecular and genetic bases of wheat yield and related traits which is possible through the discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in constructed populations, such as recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Here, we present an evaluation of 92 RILs in a bi-parental RIL mapping population (the ITMI/MP (International Triticeae Mapping Initiative Mapping Population) using newly generated phenotypic data in three-year experiments (2015), older phenotypic data (1997-2009) and newly created single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker data based on 92 of the original RILs to search for novel and stable QTLs. Our analyses of more than 15 unique traits observed in multiple experiments included 46 trait analyses from three environments in the USA, 69 traits in eight environments in Germany, 149 traits in10 environments in Russia and 28 traits in four environments in India (292 traits in 25 environments) with 7,584 SNPs (292 x 7,584 = 2,214,528 data points). A total of 874 QTLs, were detected with LOD scores 2.1-3.0 and 432 with LOD > 3.0. Moreover, 769 QTLs could be assigned to 183 clusters based on the common markers and relative proximity of related QTLs, indicating gene-rich regions throughout the A, B, and D genomes of common wheat. This upgraded genotype-phenotype information of ITMI/MP can assist breeders and geneticists who can make crosses with suitable RILs to improve or investigate traits of interest.(Plant Journal )

Glucan, Water-Dikinase 1 (GWD1), an ideal biotechnological target for potential improving yield and quality in rice

The source–sink relationship determines the overall agronomic performance of rice. Cloning and characterizing key genes involved in the regulation of source and sink dynamics is imperative for improving rice yield. However, few source genes with potential application in rice have been identified. Glucan, Water-Dikinase 1 (GWD1) is an essential enzyme that plays a pivotal role in the first step of transitory starch degradation in source tissues. In the present study, we successfully generated gwd1 weak mutants by promoter editing using CRISPR/Cas9 system, and also leaf-dominant overexpression lines of GWD1 driven by Osl2 promoter. Analysis of the gwd1 plants indicated that promoter editing mediated down-regulation of GWD1 caused no observable effects on rice growth and development, but only mildly modified its grain transparency and seed germination. However, the transgenic pOsl2::GWD1 overexpression lines showed improvements in multiple key traits, including rice yield, grain shape, rice quality, seed germination and stress tolerance. Therefore, our study shows that GWD1 is not only involved in transitory starch degradation in source tissues, but also plays key roles in the seeds, which is a sink tissue. In conclusion, we find that GWD1 is an ideal biotechnological target with promising potential for the breeding of elite rice cultivars via genetic engineering.(Plant Biotechnology Journal)