Integration of genome-wide association study, linkage analysis, and population transcriptome analysis to reveal the TaFMO1-5B modulating seminal root growth in bread wheat


Bread wheat, one of the keystone crops for global food security, is challenged by climate change and resource shortage. The root system plays a vital role in water and nutrient absorption, making it essential for meeting the growing global demand. Here, using an association-mapping population composed of 406 accessions, we identified QTrl.Rs-5B modulating seminal root development with a genome-wide association study and validated its genetic effects with two F5 segregation populations. Transcriptome-wide association study prioritized TaFMO1-5B, a gene encoding the flavin-containing monooxygenases, as the causal gene for QTrl.Rs-5B, whose expression levels correlate negatively with the phenotyping variations among our population.

The Plant Journal
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