Bayesian Statistics

Meta-analysis of the role of zinc in coordinating absorption of mineral elements in wheat seedlings

We developed a generative model for key epidemiological events in COVID-19 patients and derived explicit formulae to correct for selection bias. We find that several early analyses of the COVID-19 pandemic were severely biased due to sample …

BRS1 mediates plant redox regulation and cold responses

The Transcriptional and Splicing Changes Caused by Hybridization Can Be Globally Recovered by Genome Doubling during Allopolyploidization

Auxin efflux controls orderly nucellar degeneration and expansion of the female gametophyte in Arabidopsis

Alternative Splicing Diversified the Heat Response and Evolutionary Strategy of Conserved Heat Shock Protein 90s in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Varying Architecture of Heat Shock Elements Contributes to Distinct Magnitudes of Target Gene Expression and Diverged Biological Pathways in Heat Stress Response of Bread Wheat

Brassinosteroid Regulates Root Development with Highly Redundant Genes in Hexaploid Wheat

Hybrid sequencing reveals insight into heat sensing and signaling of bread wheat

The heat responsive wheat TaRAD23 rescues developmental and thermotolerant defects of the rad23b mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana

Metabolic adaptation of wheat grain contributes to a stable filling rate under heat stress