Xiaolong Guo received the accessit for excellence

2022-03-05 1:00 PM — 3:00 PM

Main Content:
On March 5, 2022, the second postgraduate academic forum was held at the International Exchange Center by the Graduate School, the Graduate Work Department of the Party Committee, the State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture on the Loess Plateau and the State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Regions. Room 104 went smoothly.
Hao Feng, director of the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, presided over the opening ceremony, and Zhang Chaoyang, executive deputy director of the Dry Farming Department, introduced the preparation and selection methods for the forum. Afterwards, 16 postgraduates who stood out after screening at various levels in the previous stage reported on their research topics.
Xiaolong Guo, a doctoral student in the research group, participated in this forum. With the theme of “Gene Function Analysis Reveals How Natural Mutations of TaGSK3 Gene Are Selected by Environment”, he introduced the gene function of natural mutants of TaGSK3 gene in simple terms, and proposed the natural mutation of TaGSK3 gene. A conjecture chosen by the environment. The whole report was eloquent and interesting, which aroused heated discussions between the judges and the audience.
In the end, Xiaolong Guo won the second prize of the second postgraduate academic forum of the two state key laboratories after the evaluation, discussion and selection of the expert group. This award shows Guo Xiaolong’s solid scientific research foundation and meticulous logical thinking, as well as the pragmatic and meticulous demeanor of the graduate students of the research group.