Professor Shengbao Xu and his team from the College of Agriculture at Northwest A&F University have published an article on wheat quality traits in the Journal of Integrative Agriculture.

Main Content:
   The grain protein content (GPC) is the key parameter for wheat grain nutrients. This study conducted a resampling GWAS analysis using 406 wheat accessions across eight environments, and identified four reported GPC QTLs.
  Analysis of 87 landraces and 259 modern cultivars revealed the loss of superior GPC haplotypes, especially in Chinese cultivars. These haplotypes were preferentially adopted in different agroecological zones and had broad effects on wheat yield and agronomic traits.
  Most GPC QTLs did not significantly reduce yield, suggesting high GPC can be achieved without yield penalty. This data provides a reference for future wheat GPC breeding using the four identified QTLs.