Ph.D. student Peng Zhao was awarded the 2020 Lixin Tang Scholarship from the Lixin Tang Education Development Fund of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University.

2020-11-12 7:00 PM — 7:30 PM

Main Content:
In order to encourage students to study diligently, make progress, and cultivate high-quality talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty, the selection activity of ‘Tang Lixin Scholarship’ established by Mr. Tang Lixin, chairman of Xinshang Group, was officially launched. The college is based on fairness and justice. , the principle of openness, and after strict review and deliberation, Zhao Peng was finally rated as the recipient of the 2020 Tang Lixin Scholarship.
Personal profile:
Peng Zhao, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a 2020-level doctoral candidate in crop genetics and breeding in the College of Agriculture, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, under the tutelage of Professor Xu Shengbao. He has won the ‘Top Ten Flag Bearers’ and ‘Star Volunteers’ in the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, the second prize in the national flag class competition in Jiangsu Province, the ‘Excellent Graduate’ and ‘Excellent Student Cadre’ of Nanjing Agricultural University, and the Agricultural College of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University. 13 national, provincial and school-level honors including ‘Outstanding Communist Party Member’.
In February 2020, he published ‘Varying Architecture of Heat Shock Elements Contributes to Distinct Magnitudes of Target Gene Expression and Diverged Biological Pathways in Heat Stress Response of Bread Wheat’ as the first author in ‘Frontiers in Genetics’ (SCI, Chinese Academy of Sciences District 2) The paper, the impact factor is 3.258; in December 2019, the paper ‘Progress and Prospects of Wheat Heat Resistance Research’ was published in ‘Journal of Wheat Crops’ (core B category) as the first author.