Master's degree oral defense of 2022

2022-05-28 1:00 PM — 3:00 PM

Main Content:
On May 28, 2022, the oral defense of master’s degree graduates of this research group was successfully carried out in conference room 641 of agricultural college. For the oral defense of this dissertation, a defense committee composed of off campus expert Yanli Feng , off college expert Yi Zhang and relevant college experts Yajun Xi, Zhonghua Wang, Hong Zhang and Bailin Liu was invited to review and assess the students’ research work. Academic master’s students Xiuyun Ma, zunkai Hu, Jialiang Zhang and professional master’s student Ruirui Mo participated in the oral defense.
Based on their own research work, each postgraduate would report in the form of slides in the form of research background, research purpose and significance, research results and conclusions within the specified time. Then, the members of the defense committee would ask questions about the content of the postgraduate report, and the respondent students would think about and answer the defense questions.
Finally, the members of the defense committee voted unanimously to agree that academic master students Xiuyun Ma, zunkai Hu, Jialiang Zhang and professional master’s student Ruirui Mo passed the defense of their dissertations and awarded the master’s degree.