Sun Miao, a postdoctor from Aarhus University, Denmark, was invited to attend our research symposium.

2021-12-12 7:00 PM — 2021-12-14 7:30 PM

Expert Profile:
Miao Sun, male, graduated from the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a Ph.D., and worked as a postdoctoral fellow and visiting scholar at the School of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan and the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida. Postdoc at the Center for Information and Biodiversity. The current research direction is to collect and integrate biotic and abiotic big data, and comprehensively apply comparative biology methods; combine big data and phylogenetic relationship to explore the macroevolution of angiosperms and the response mechanism to global change, mainly focusing on species phylogenetic diversity, diversification The spatial and temporal patterns of plant functional (or key) traits evolution in response to environmental changes. Participated in the phylogenetic reconstruction of global seed plants in cooperation with Denmark and the United States; the research on geohistorical constraints, local adaptation and interspecific interactions of the formation of forest communities with discontinuous distribution in East Asia and North America in cooperation with Dimension; the phylogeny of plants in the Gulf of Mexico Reconstruction; Reconstruction of “Tree of Life”; Phylogenetic study of COM clades of roses; Reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships at the genus level of Chinese vascular plants and many other domestic and foreign projects. At present, he has published 30 papers in Nature, Nature Communications, Science Advances, The ISME Journal and other journals, with a total of 878 Google Scholar citations, and participated in the compilation of 5 chronicles.