Professor Zhengmao Zhang was invited to share a report.

2022-10-11 7:00 PM — 7:30 PM

Cun Wang, professor, doctoral supervisor, winner of Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, member of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of Jiusan Society, principle investigator of State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Regions, Deputy Dean of School of Life Science.
He mainly used Arabidopsis thaliana and wheat as research materials to study the molecular mechanism of plant nutrition and abiotic stress such as drought.
In recent years, he has published more than ten research papers in Molecular Plant, The Plant Cell and other international well-known journals as the corresponding author or the first author.
At 7:00 PM on October 11, 2022, Professor Cun Wang from the College of Life Science and Technology of Northwest A&F University was invited to the research group to share a report on "Molecular mechanism of plant uptake and transport of manganese" in Conference room 216 of the College of Agriculture. All members of the laboratory listened to the presentation.