Heat stress in filling stage confers distinct effect on starch granules formation in different thermotolerant wheat accessions

Evolutionary Origin, Gradual Accumulation and Functional Divergence of Heat Shock Factor Gene Family with Plant Evolution

BRS1 Function in Facilitating Lateral Root Emergence in Arabidopsis

VComparative Proteomic Analysis of Flag Leaves Reveals New Insight into Wheat Heat Adaptation

Massive expansion and differential evolution of small heat shock proteins with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) polyploidization

S-nitrosoglutathione reductases are low-copy number, cysteine-rich proteins in plants that control multiple developmental and defense responses in Arabidopsis

BAK1 directly regulates brassinosteroid perception and BRI1 activation

Integrated proteomic and cytological study of rice endosperms at the storage phase

Dynamic proteomic analysis reveals a switch between central carbon metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in rice filling grains