Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. came to for a discussion on deepening scientific and technological cooperation with us.

2022-02-24 7:00 PM — 7:30 PM

On February 24, 2022, Chairman Jianjun Bu and Director Shuping Bian of Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. came to the research group to have a discussion on deepening agricultural science and technology cooperation. Professor Shengbao Xu, the head of the research group, met with Jianjun Bu , Shuping Bian , doctoral students Zihui Liu, Xiaolong Guo, Peng Zhao and postgraduate Tian Lu for a discussion.
At the meeting, Shuping Bian introduced the school-site cooperation and technical requirements, and expressed his gratitude to the research group for its strong support to Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. It is hoped that relying on the intellectual resources such as technology and talents of the research group, it can help Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. cultivate new germplasm resources and promote the further development of the company. Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. will also continue to actively optimize the form of cooperation, fully cooperate with the research group in the construction and maintenance of the industry-university-research cooperation platform and talent training cooperation platform, and promote the integrated development of schools, enterprises, and industry, academia, and research to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
Professor Shengbao Xu thanked Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. for its concern and support to the research group. He said that Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. is an important platform for the integration and cooperation of production, education and research for the research group. Subsequently, Zihui Liu, Xiaolong Guo, Peng Zhao and Tian Lu introduced the current research directions and research progress of the research group, and expounded the forms and development potential of cooperation with enterprises in different research directions. He also pointed out that only by organically combining technology and industry and doing ‘useful scientific research’ can the story of a wheat seed be told well. The research group will actively utilize the advantages of agricultural technology and talents to boost the development of Shaanxi Datang Seed Industry Co., Ltd. and ultimately achieve a win-win situation.